Republic of Bashkortostan
June 27-28, 2025
Overseas and Federal Press Extremely Interested in Zauralye-2024 Investment Sabantuy
Традиционные обряды и обычаи
It's ten days before the launch of 6th Zauralye All-Russia Investment Sabantuy. The forum will be held from May 24 till May 26 in Sibay, the Republic of Bashkortostan. The event is organized by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The event is preceded by the press accreditation at the forum's web-site ( As early as now the organizing committee points out that international, overseas and local press is eager to sign up at the event's web-page.

- Zauralye-2024 Investment Forum is one of the leading economic events in our country that gathers the most prominent speakers and touches on essential issues of the international economy. This event witnesses key decisions and substantial investment agreements. The Forum has proven to be a high-level ground for discussing pressing problems. That's why every year we send a journalist team for them to cover the forum, - says Nadezhda Plotnikova, Editor-in-Chief of FederalPress Publishment Group and Development Director of FederalPress Mediaholding.
As you may remember, last year the forum attracted journalist from over fifty mass media. The investment sabantuy was also in the focus of the overseas media. Specially equipped sites offered live shot studios for federal TV channels and large information agencies of the country.

Zauralye All-Russia Investment Sabantuy is an international platform for business discussions. Every year it is participated by delegations from various countries, such as China, Iran, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Türkiye, India and Italy.

The event is organized by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The investment sabantuy will also be participated by federal and local officials, Russian and overseas businessmen, investors, experts, famous politicians and public figures.

Field-specific sessions and the plenary session will have the participants discussing issues of attracting investments, boosting export activities, developing monotowns, domestic tourism, digitization of city environment and natural environment.

You can sign up now as a participant on the forum's web-site.

Learn more:
OC contacts: +7 (800) 101-10-12,, +7 (347) 215-11-11 (for overseas participants).

© All-Russia Investment Sabantuy "Zauralye", 2024
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